What are window fittings ?

Window Fittings are a set of elements that allow you to open and close the window and keep it in a stable position. Window Fittings can consist of different parts depending on the type of window and how it opens, but typically include:

  • hinges that allow the window to move up, down or sideways
  • handles that are used to open and close the window and to lock it in the closed position
  • locks that prevent accidental opening of the window or keep it in the open position
  • fasteners that connect the window to the frame and allow you to adjust its position
  • seals that prevent water and air from entering through the gaps between the window and the frame.

Good quality window fittings are crucial for the comfort and safety of using windows, as well as for their durability and strength.

We distinguish window fittings of the following types: standard, RC1 and RC2.